“Many celestial objects look like familiar things. We aimed the Webb scope out last week, and were surprised to see a very close representation of “The Dude” nestled deep within the universe. Some astronomers are trying to ignore the strangely […]
“Many celestial objects look like familiar things. We aimed the Webb scope out last week, and were surprised to see a very close representation of “The Dude” nestled deep within the universe. Some astronomers are trying to ignore the strangely […]
“Gary’s beheading might be a bit shocking for the ladies, but the kid was obsessed with football, just cursed with a tiny body. Based on his interests, I think Gary would be satisfied with his exit,” said Cole Tramm, parent […]
For unknown reasons, Millions of little sombrero are being donned by an entire generation. “The high schools are full of them, almost everyone is wearing them. They don’t count as hats, because ‘cultural’, so the admin can’t force them to […]
“He rolled the man’s legs over his head, and his tuckus was sticking out. The man just kept leaning his pelvis on his tuckus,” relayed spectator Melvin Brown. We asked the victim for a quick statement: “He wouldn’t make a […]