This entire website is parody news, comedic commentary about a fictional world parallel to the real world, and fictional use of characters, real people, and other businesses are not based on specific real world news events. We are not intending to pass this material off as real news to defame anyone or improperly use any trademark, brand, or personal identity. We are not intending to sway the public to believe this is real live breaking news. While some parts of the stories may contain truth, commentary, criticism that may be connected to reality, again, we have no intent to portray any of this writing as non-fictional journalistic truth to alarm or influence actions of the public. To spell it out directly, our news and website is a unique comedic portrayal of the world similar to the Daily Show, the Simpsons, South Park, and Saturday Night Live. It is true, that social commentary can be a fuel for social change, but is not intended to slander or defame anyone in a way that is not protected under 1st amendment rights to do so.
1st Ammendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
(Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech)
“Parody Laws: A parody can be a fair use under the Copyright Act, meaning the creator of the parody does not need the permission of the owner of the copyright in the earlier work. Some parodists, most notably “Weird Al” Yankovich, will seek permission as a courtesy.
Section 107 of the Copyright Act:
– Criticism
– Comment
– News reporting
– Teaching
When determining if a use is fair, you must consider four factors:
(section in quotations credited to Google A.I.)
Final Disclaimer:
We have added this copyright disclaimer to the footer of all pages to mark all posts, videos, and other media that refer to or use copyrighted work or issues regarding free speech for parody intents, for fair use purposes. This this is to protect us from any copyright infringement claims, or ‘truth claims’ regarding this parody material.