Man Melts Down ‘For No Reason’
“He started yell-crying that he just wants animals to sing him sea shanties. He ate nothing but deer jerky for two weeks. He did Homer Simpson impressions for like 4 days straight. Then he sold his car, bought a super old sailboat, and just left,” said Rebecca Clawson, wife of Melt-Down man. “We just want Chet back home. There’s medicines for this right?”
We wanted to understand more of what sent Chet Waverly over the edge. We investigated his workplace, home life, and videos of his recent behavior.
Chet worked at Brinx Construction, and as co-workers revealed, “The boss is a real fool, he’s tried to skip out on paying us at least 5 times this year. Then he shows up to work in a new Hummer. One time he leaned over Chets shoulder 5 days in a row, not doing anything, just staring at his every movement. Neurotic? Uh, yeah.”
We followed up on a couple leads his wife provided us, and were dismayed to find out she had taken out 13 credit cards in his name, and racked up $234,000 in credit card debt. An amount said by Citibank rep to be “typically inescapable, we shouldn’t even allow that to happen, but it’s all fake money anyways – no, not the money you use to pay us back, that’s real.”
We sifted through family home videos on his wife’s phone looking for clues. In the videos she subtly reprimanded him no less than 4 times per video. His kids typically only spoke when asking for things and then they stormed off if the answer was no.
Our producer revealed, “We saw the long videos taken on Chet’s own birthday, the kids asked him for 18 new things, with 18 stormy fits when he very quietly said no. The kids even took his presents from him and ran off, among them new socks and a ‘best dad’ mug, and few other $20 Amazon dad gifts. I think I’m with Chet on this one.” He then vowed to find Chet and do a new story on the freedom of a sailor’s life, and possibly even join him.