Lip Filler Goes Straight to Brain

“New evidence suggests that lip filler flows to the brain, replacing gray matter directly. The more injections, the less brain,” says science maverick Gary Vue.
He held up x-rays of ground-zero patients. “See that, almost no brain there.” Indeed, the area within the skull looked like a near uniform mass of congealed vanilla pudding. “There’s no shapes, no bulbs, no wrinkles, no… parts. Hannibal Lector could spoon that brain out like a crème soufle.”
“Asian chefs are looking to replicate the process in cows. They really like chewy-gel-like textures in foods. They are going for it.”
“Not sure why we are trending race-bending feature changes. Only a few races have predominantly puffy lips. That’s okay. That’s great. Next we’re going to have white people get tight curly afro transplants? I mean, I guess we could do that, but why?” said Denzel Clemens.
“Every trend deserves its moment in the spotlight,” said plastic surgery connoisseur Boo-Boo Grassier. She was once a man, and has endured 36 surgical procedures, including 2.5 pounds of lip injections. “I don’t really use my brain much, so I’m not worried. Besides I like the idea of having a creamy brain, it’s different.”