Best Buy Return Window Only 3.5 hours

Best Buy is once again shrinking the window of time you get to return a poorly designed product. “We’re tired of honoring the 30 day return that Americans expect. It’s best for the company to shrink the return window to just a few hours,” said company board member Wiley P. Scroteham
“The new return window is short, but sweet. 3.5 hours is plenty of time to get home, spend 2 hours googling setup instructions, and run through 17 fragmented tutorials on how to use the item. That’s enough time to decide if you want to keep the poorly designed item.”
“We just can’t handle it anymore. People were buying something from our store, and then going home and reading reviews online. They were coming back to us citing: terrible user menu – guaranteed to stop working – will glitch and put off offensive odors. We don’t want to do returns based on reasons. Our old 30 day return policy depended on the product confusing you past the return window, and breaking just after the return window expires. Online sharing of experiences is pure communism. Not on my watch!” stated Mr. Scroteham.
“After setting up the item, you’ll have at least 10 minutes to test the product, and another 15 minutes to get back to the store for an easy return. Just remember to bring your passwords, and at least two 2FA devices to verify your purchase was made here.”