Super-Powered Mobile Gaming Computer
“We just need the real experience, and mobile games are not that,” said legendary gamer Willie Knox. Some pro gamers are getting impatient waiting for laptops and mobile devices to power up their most graphic intensive games.
“I used some of my winnings to protype ‘The Beast’, which is a monster sized gaming computer even by desktop standards. The case itself weighs 42 pounds. It’s backpack-style so you can go anywhere with a full blown Oculus headgear, and really blast it out with full quality graphics. The machine requires a 60 pound battery, which has a rolling cart that can be fixed to your belt, to drag along behind you.”
To buy The Beast, you must first sign a waiver, so that Beast Machines is not liable for spinal disk compression, or walking out into traffic with your VR goggles on. “I think that was some good lawyer talk to stave off the payday trolls,” said Willie, “You need good lawyer-ing to make a business. I used Terry Vance. He can even hammer out a decent pre-nup, if you’re looking to hitch up. I had him whip a few just in case.”
Willie is trying to get his company a public stock IPO, but is finding it difficult to get investors on board. “They don’t understand the obsession yet, but they’ll get it. Who cares about dragging a 60 pound battery around. I do it all the time.”